> Bodybuilding is not an exact science. On the contrary, you must continuously challenge your muscles, and sometimes this even calls for breaking bodybuilding’s most hallowed rules. This article explains why and…
More> The abs etching secrets of Ed Nunn Tall bodybuilders aren’t noted for their slim waistlines and deep abs. That’s suppose to be a “little guy” thing, right? Ed Nunn says, “Hell…
More> PERIODIZATION IS THE KEY TO ANY SUCCESSFUL TRAINING First of all I need to notice that green beginners don’t need to stick to load periodization training. They haven’t yet learned to…
More> You find the buffest guy in the gym and copy his workout routine, down to his 4/0/2 tempo. But after 6 weeks, you still have a bit of pudge around your…
More> WHAT SHOULD BE DONE IF SOMETHING IS BEHIND? You should do specialization! As you can guess, specialization is emphasised training of a certain muscle group. The main idea is that different…
More> There are several things you should be able to do as a human, one of the most essential is to pull your bodyweight. In todays society this doesn’t hold much weight,…
More> Every bodybuilder or bodybuilding fan is somewhat obsessed with big biceps. We all want the biggest biceps in town. But be careful. This obsession can intefere with your general look and…
More> It’s no secret that every serious lifter out there desires an impressive pair of strong, muscular arms. Who wouldn’t be happy with tall, peaking biceps sitting on top of rock-hard, horse-shoe-shaped…
More> Load adaptation is the key to muscle growth So, we already know basics of muscle activity and purposes of a wokout logs. Now it’s time to reward you for your patience…
More> ‘The Grass is Always Greener…When You Train Smarter”! You may not be a homeowner, but bear with me. If you wanted to take a decent lawn and turn it into a…