Creatine Dosage

> First and foremost thing that you must keep in mind is – there is no single creatine dosage that is right for everyone. The creatine dosage routine that you select all…


How Much Protein Should you Consume?

> Make no mistake, heavy weight-training greatly increases protein requirements. The leading researchers who study protein requirements for athletes like Dr. Peter Lemon and Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky and leading sports nutrition experts…


Top protein picks

> Flip through this magazine and you’ll see plenty of advertisements for protein powders. Bodybuilding novices may dismiss these as they jump from article to article. Experienced bodybuilders, however, know better. For…


Body Type & Diet Plan

> From left to right: Endomorphic Jay Cutler, Mesomorphic Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ectomorphic poster-child Frank Zane Your diet plan  should result from your body type I hope you didn’t forget about three main…


The harm of a healthy diet

> Does it ever exist, that like you eat right, and the soul is restless. Some constant discomfort is felt … Maybe you’re just too fixated on healthy eating? By the way,…


Does L-carnitine work?

> In fact,  carnitine is not an amino acid, but the chemical structure of this substance is very similar to amino acid structure. That’s why it got this classification. One function of…


Nutrition Facts

> 10 MYTHS ABOUT HEALTY NUTRITION DIET The majority of myths are transferred from one person to another creating an avalanche of gossip. Let’s discuss the most common delusions regarding healthy nutrition…


Lean Muscle Mass and Diet

> How real is it to gain muscle mass without fat or with maximum part of muscles against fat? We had already discussed the fact that it’s extremely difficult to grow muscles…


Athletes’ healthy appetite

> Did you know that the appetite – it is one of the best indicators of productivity of your training. If at the end of training, you are ready to swallow an…


Powered by Protein

> Professional athletes and body builders have reaped the benefits from diets rich in high quality protein for years. This focus on protein has spread to the dieting and fitness communities who…

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