> Ron Avidan was in attendance for the 2010 NPC West Coast Classic over the weekend. He not only snapped several photos of each division on stage but also hundreds of candid/backstage…
More> A tragic story is sending shocks throughout the industry! Nobody knows exactly how this has happened yet, but unconfirmed reports are that Nasser El Sonbaty has passed away at the age…
More> This Saturday, 18 IFBB Bikini Pros will take the stage at the IFBB Tournament of Champions held in Culver City, California. The show is the second-to-last competition for those hoping to…
More> 2012 Arnold Classic, Ms. International, Fitness International, Figure International and Bikini International Official Invite Lists: 2012 Arnold Classic (14) 1. Fouad Abiad2. Gustavo Badell3. Lionel Beyeke4. Matthias Botthof5. Evan Centopani6. Eduardo…
More> This weekend will take place NPC and IFBB Pro League action in Houston, Texas. You can wach it the Stanfford Centre. WHAT: 2010 IFBB Houston Pro Figure and Bikini Championships &…
More> A multiple Mr. Olympia – Jay Cutler – just had biceps surgery. Few weeks before the 2011 Olympia he tore his upper biceps. This thing caused Jay Cutler during this contest…
More> We’re exactly 5 weeks out from the 2010 Olympia, and things are heating up in Brooklyn, New York. When FLEX traveled to check in with Kai Greene earlier this week we…
More> Not a good period occurred for Dave Palumbo at Sheru Classic 2012. Today he tore his tendons and quad muscle when falling down the stairs at the gym. The damage was…
More> Hey Dudes – AWESOME News!!! This autumn will begin with greatest event for athletes/bodybuilders that will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 15-18 – The 2011 Olympia Weekend. This…
More> 7 % OFF on DaddyRoids.Com for GoldenMuscles visitors !!!!!!! Quality ? on Daddyroids.Com you can find only licensed drugs Customer support – 24 hour/ 7 day a week, online experts help…