The 7 anabolic steroid mistakes

> 1. Using Excessive DosagesWhen taking steroids, the more you take is not always the best way to go. Taking excessive dosages has become a huge problem with steroids today. It isn’t…


What’s really in your creatine?

> What I am about to tell you is not going to make me a very popular person with many supplement manufacturers. In fact, some of them are going to be down…


The Muscle Adaptation

> Load adaptation is the key to muscle growth So, we already know basics of muscle activity and purposes of a wokout logs. Now it’s time to reward you for your patience…


The Effects of Diet on Testosterone Part 1

> Introduction In this article we presents an overview of how testosterone is stimulated in the body, shows how calorie balance affects T production, and discusses how dietary protein intake affects circulating…


The Effects of Diet on Testosterone Part 2

> Introduction Part 2 explains how carbohydrates and fats impact testosterone synthesis and circulation, and then puts it all together for you to make informed decisions. Keep in mind that this is…


Four Laws of Training

> ‘The Grass is Always Greener…When You Train Smarter”! You may not be a homeowner, but bear with me. If you wanted to take a decent lawn and turn it into a…


Building Bigger Triceps and Biceps

> I’ve heard that 90% of guys would like bigger arms. On the same note, I heard the other 10% are liars. In all seriousness, almost any way you go about it,…


The Four Laws For Growing

> 1) Food The most important part of your recovery phase is going to be the food you eat and when you eat it. We learned a long ago that the more…


Great set of calves

> We all know a thick set of diamond cut calves can bring about a good deal of positive attention, especially being we rock shorts for a large part of the year,…


A Guide to Female Body Builders

> The Female Body builder Female bodybuilding is a great sport, and something that every woman should be interested in. Not only will you lose weight and get in great shape but…

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