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Proper Work Routine And Diet Routine To Build Muscle

It is very difficult to find a workout program you could fit into. This is the problem of almost everyone who wants to get stronger muscles and abs.

When talking about muscles, you would not want to focus on any particular body part. You will always go for an overall change in the body structure. A sculpted V- shape is what you have on your mind.


Proper Work Routine And Diet Routine To Build Muscle

If you are a person who wants to have a healthy body with decent abs but doesn’t have a special routine, then there is no point in doing workouts. Wondering why? You need to have a special routine to build your body. Normally, for a pound of muscle, you need 2800 calories, which means you need to take more calories in, than the calories you burn.

Proper Work Routine And Diet Routine To Build Muscle

A positive balance and energy are also necessary to build muscles. You do not have to pay an extra charge for a gym or a trainer.

In this article, you will be provided with all the instructions you have to follow. You can build up your muscles in weeks. Yes, you heard me right. It is not magic or something that helps you to get muscles all of a sudden. Let us have a look at the routine you have to follow.

The Routine plan

  • Healthy Breakfast

Healthy food is very necessary for everyone, especially when you are a gym freak or a bodybuilder. Among all the food we have, breakfast is a very essential part of the routine.

This is the first fuel your body gets in the morning and helps you in staying energetic until the next food comes.

To make your routine more effective, you can add omelets, boiled eggs, smoothies, and cheese to your breakfast. Whatever you eat, it should be healthier, and try to avoid eating rice as breakfast.

  • Have food every three hours

To increase your food intake and avoid staying hungry, eat food every three hours. A normal individual consumes food three times a day in the form of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can include snacks and juices in between the three.

Eat smaller meals and eat at regular intervals, this will help in reducing the size of your belly. You can add post-workout and pre-bed snacks also, to make the routine more effective.

The advantage of eating more meals in smaller is that you will feel full quickly and your waist will get trimmed.

When you don’t eat for long hours, the cravings will increase and you will tend to eat more in the next meal. So start eating at fixed intervals of time.

  • Eat more protein with every meal

Protein is very important to build as well as maintain body muscle. You need to consume 1g of protein per 450gm of body weight, which means if you weigh 91kg you need to take 200g protein per day.

Well, it is quite a big task but the easiest way is to consume a certain amount of protein with every meal you eat on a day. Try to eat protein-rich food like;

  • Red meat like pork, beef, and lamb.
  • Poultry including chicken, duck, and turkey.
  • Fishes like tuna, sardine, and salmon.
  • The yolk of the egg is rich in protein.
  • Dairy products like milk, ghee, cheese, yogurt.
  • Lentils, nuts, and seeds are good protein suppliers.
  • Eat fruits and green vegetables

They are always the best options, which you can eat at regular intervals. The only eatable you can have without fearing weight gain.

They are also rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber which helps in the digestion process. Some fruits are too sweetish, try to avoid that.

  • Do not eat carbs before a workout

Most people eat carbohydrates more than they need. Though carbs are essential for maintaining energy, try to take carbs only after a workout.

Fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrates compared to other grains, which you can eat with every meal. Avoid taking foods like rice, bread, oats, pasta, and potatoes before the workout and make them post-workout food.

  • Eat only healthy fats

Fat is the most important component that triggers weight gaining in the human body. It is always better to avoid excess fatty food and, try to take healthy fats with your meal and avoid taking in artificial fats.

  • Drink more water and stay hydrated 

There is nothing important than water on the list. Your body loses water through sweating, which causes muscle recovery and thus won’t help in increasing your muscle mass.

Drinking water at regular intervals helps you to stay hydrated and prevents hunger too so that you will not feel like eating more.

  • Maintain good sleep

Taking rest or giving rest to your body is very important. Maintain a time for sleeping. Irregular or improper sleeping habits can make your body tired, this can sabotage your entire eating habits too.

Sleep for 7 – 9 hours, this will give enough time for your mind and body to rest.


In this article, you are given detailed instructions or easy tips to build muscle. Going to the gym alone can make your body look stronger, you deserve a stronger body in all sense.

That is why it is important to have a routine along with your gym life. All these routine tips are easy to follow and do not require much effort.

You just need to improve or make slight changes in your regular lifestyle, if you want to get the desired result.

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