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Leg exercise with emphasis on buttocks

Leg exercise with emphasis on buttocks


Leg exercise with emphasis on buttocks

Look at the girls elastic buttocks in the video. You can be sure that this is the result of hard training with the iron! Goldenmuscles.com proposes you to adopt its program of legs training.

Squats with barbell

The girl is doing squats in special gym equipment where any time you can just drop the barbell. If in your gym exist such equipment that you are in luck!

Technique: legs shoulder width apart, heels do not separate from the floor along the entire trajectory, back straight, or with a small flexure, buttocks straighten back. You can squat to parallel (thighs parallel to the floor) or can be up to the flor.

3 set each with 12-15 reps.

Important! Exercise can be performed only if there are no problems with the spine.

Squatting in a Smith machine

Differ from the usual squats, as vector of the load is at a different angle + greater security. If you do not have the strength to stand up, just fix the bar in the current position.

Technique: legs shoulder width apart, heels are 15-20 cm from the barbell. Squatting to the parallel.

2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Squats with the barbell in hands

Pick up an adequate weight, which does not cause you to fall forward or slouch. In this exercise is well-turned inner thigh, as in any squat with a broad statement of the legs.

Technique: put leg wider than shoulders. Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar using an overhand grip. Your lower back should be slightly arched and your arms straight. Without allowing your lower back to round, stand up with the barbell. The back should be straight. To understand the technique, start with an empty bar.

2 sets of 12-15 reps.

Important! Exercise can be performed only if there are no problems with the spine.


Anchor yourself in the Hyperextension apparatus so that your heels are secure. Bring your hands up to your chest and hold them there as you bend down from the waist as far as you can. This is your starting position. For better effect strain your buttocks in additional. Raise your torso in a controlled manner without the jerk until it is just above the parallel. Hold a little. Lower yourself back to the starting position.

3 sets of 15-25 reps.

Lifting weights with kicks

If in your room is no simulator for puling your legs back, this exercise can replace it. The downside is that you will hardly hold really heavy weights with legs. Additionally, you can use a weighting for the feet, if there are any in the inventory room.

2-3 sets of 15-25 reps.

The rise of the pelvis, with an emphasis on one leg

Lie down on the floor. Relax and simply place your feet on top of Bosu. Just breathe and relax to prepare for upcoming stretches. Slowly lift the pelvis off from the floor. Then also take one leg off from the Bosu, straight up in air. You will feel more tension building up in the hamstring of the leg which is on top of Bosu.

This entry was posted
on Monday, July 2nd, 2012 at 10:00 pm and is filed under TRAINING.
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