Age: 30 ( 2/28/80)
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 220 pounds (contest) 250 pounds (offseason)
Profession: Environmental Specialist
Years training: Weight training for 16 years, last 7 intense
Date of entry: 7/25/2010
Written by Josh Bergeron
I train an average of 5-6 times per week
I spend an average of 1-1 1/2 hours time training per workout:
My favorite body part to train: Guess its chest or arms I like both equally.
The body part I hate training: Guess it would have to be shoulders, they get so pumped its almost painful.
The toughest part of today’s workout was: While getting ready for a show, having the endurance to push hard throughout entire workout on low carbs was very tough.
The goal of today’s workout: Flex and squeeze the body parts being trained.
It was a Sunday afternoon and I had just competed in a bodybuilding show the day before, but there is no rest for the dedicated. I had the USA’s coming up next weekend so I needed to train and focus. When working which ever body part I’m on, the key for me is concentration and control. It’s not the amount of weight you can throw around it’s how you control the weight in your hand/legs. I started my leg routine with laying hamstring curls…

…but also I was going to superset with stationary lunges.

The key for the hamstring curl is keeping tension throughout the negative as well as the curl. After finishing 12 reps on that machine I dismounted and began 20 stationary lunges. The key on stationary lunges is to stretch that hamstring stepping out and engage the quad while coming up, then repeating the process with the opposite leg. For this combo exercise I did 4 sets. Upon completing that combo I moved on to what was going to be another superset, which was going to be done on the squat rack. What I start with is fairly heavy wide stance squats for 10 reps…

… then I move on to an already set up medium weight squat rack and pound out 20 reps narrow-stance squat…

… to really force the blood into my legs. When doing the narrow it’s really working on the sweeps of the legs. This exercise was feeling really good and the legs were getting a good pump so I did 6 sets of this combo exercise. Before moving on I decided to do some walking lunges…

…before doing to next exercise. So I did 4 sets of walking lunges (length of the room) there and back is one. After completing the lunges I moved onto leg extensions.

The key to the leg extension is once again the squeeze at the top and the total control on the negative. For this exercise I did 4 sets of 15 reps. The next exercise is the often forgotten calves. I start on a calf machine heavy weight and stand on the platform with my toes facing out with heels in.

I do 10-15 reps that way, then while still standing on platform but with no weight turn my feet the opposite direction toes in heels out and burn up the calves with 25 reps.

I like 6-9 sets this way, doesn’t always have to be all done on the same machine, but does have to be with the changing of the feet position. The bodypart that was going to be hit today was biceps. For this exercise I started with laying cable curls basically its starting with a cable machine from the top position with a re-curved bar attached and a flat bench, with one end of bench close as it can go to the cable itself.

While in a sitting position grab the bar slide down the bench till laying completely flat on your back. Start with your elbows locked out then curl the bar towards your forehead, and release till you elbows are locked out again.

The key to this exercise is to squeeze the entire contraction of this movement, and once again controlling the negative to the starting position. For this exercise I did 4 sets of 12 reps. The next exercise I moved on to was dumbbell concentration curls. For my concentration curls I start with a controllable weight in each hand and alternate the curls from hand to hand.

How I start is I come up like a hammer curl, but when I get to the top I twist the dumbbell where my wrist is facing up towards the ceiling…

…twist back to the start position and then while in control lower weight to your side. Do this exercise alternating from one arm to the other, but don’t forget to really twist when you get to the top of the curl point. For this exercise I do 4 sets of 15 reps each arm. This is a taste of some of the exercises that I do while in the gym and training. Focus in and try these and see how they work for you!
Tags: Josh Bergeron, Legs & Biceps
This entry was posted
on Thursday, August 19th, 2010 at 10:15 pm and is filed under TRAINING.
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