Two more rookies came to Detroit for the last IFBB Pro Bikini contest to qualify for the 2010
Olympia, and they both garnered the top spots. Noemi Olah from Hungary blew away the competition, and could be a very serious contender for the top six at the Olympia next week. Christy Merritt also wowed the judges, and Dina Al-Sabah, after improving at each contest, garned the last qualifying spot for the Bikini Olympia. Congratulations! Davana Medina, on her first pro contest as a bikini competitor, placed 5th, still a little too muscular but quite impressive.
Here are the IFBB Pro Bikini Results
1. Noemi Olah
2. Christy Merritt
3. Dina Al-Sabah
4. Jessica Clay
5. Davana Medina
6. Jessica Jessie
7. Bianca Binno
8. Melissa Frabbiele
9. Kira Rivera
10. Zara Pineda-Boorder
11. Stefanie Lindsey
12. Janet Harding
13. Michelle Lamb
14. Beth White
15. Nicole Coleman
No question Stan McQuay was looking like he is going to do very well next weekend at the 2010 Olympia 202lb and Under Bodybuilding Contest with his overall win here, swaying all the judges! Daryl Gee, another incredible competitor was second, with third place going to Tricky Jackson. Mark Dugdale was just shy with 4th place, and PD Devers placed 5th in his first IFBB Pro contest after turning pro a month ago.
Here are the IFBB Pro Men’s Bodybuilding 202lbs and Under Results
1. Stan McQuay
2. Daryl Gee
3. Tricky Jackson
4. Mark Dugdale
5. Parenthesis ‘PD’ Devers
6. Lawrence Hunt
7. Cvetko Stojmenovski
8. Pedro Barron Cuyas
9. James Llewellin
10. Daron Lytle
11. Edward Duque
12. Myoba Edwards
13. Rod Ketchens
14. Luis Felipe Marinho
15. Amir Sapir
16. Jason Marcovici
17. Jimmy Canyon
17. Sean Jenkins
17. Jimmy Momany