Belts and bandages, as a remedy for injury in bodybuilding –
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Belts and bandages, as a remedy for injury in bodybuilding

Belts and bandages, as a remedy for injury in bodybuilding


Today you can buy a huge number of devices that reduce the injury and increase efficiency of training. Among them – the various types of belts, straps, cuffs, bandages, knee wrap, special types of sportswear.

10 – 15 cm Weight Lifting leather belt can support the bodybuilders’ spine when lifting big weights. Belt helps maintain spine and raise the pressure inside the abdominal cavity itself, which does not depend on how strong bodybuilders abdominal muscles are. So when belt or bandage are used to strengthen the abdominal cavity, bodybuilder gets a sort of “puffed up ball” that takes over approximately 50% of the load on the spine and relieves back muscles in the same percentage.

Action of supersuits or special suits and knee wrap on the technique of the squat with weight shows that using these accessories can increase lifting of weight by 13%. Despite the fact that under such a load increases the forces acting on the hip and knee joints, the technique of his performance almost never subjected to distortion.

Supersuits act on two fronts: helping to compress the abdomen and chest, stabilizing body and increasing the pressure in them. Act as an additional extensor rubber, which helps to straighten the body when lifting the weight from the lowest point.  Supersuits are made from elastic material that covers the hips tightly, and also helps the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. That allows you to safely carry a large load.

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on Friday, March 16th, 2012 at 9:43 pm and is filed under HEALTH PUBLICATIONS, TRAINING.
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