Tamoxifen Citrate represent Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).
This drug is widely used in medicine world as a treatment against breast cancer.
Instead of the fact that Tamoxifen Citrate is SERM, bodybuilders take it also as an anti-estrogen and as a triphenylethylene.
Selective estrogen receptor modulators act as either estrogen receptor agonists or antagonists in a tissue-selective manner. The main reason why it is used by sportsmen, is the fact that it help to prevent gynocomastia. Tamoxifen Citrate does this by competing for the receptor site in breast tissue, and binding to it. That’s mean that tamoxifen act as a estrogen receptor blockade of breast tissue.
Those bodybuilders/athletes who take Tamoxifen Citrate as a anti-estrogen supplement must remember that it is not the most efficient ancillary compound, but it is considering to be the safest. Tamoxifen Citrate doesn’t actually reduce estrogen in human body, it rather blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors and, in those tissues where it is an antagonist, causes the receptor to do nothing.
The usage of Tamoxifen Citrate has positive effects on immune system functionality as well as on lipid profile, on both HDL and LDL.
Tamoxifen Citrate is often chosen in post cycle therapy. After taking this drug hypogonadic and infertile men saw significant increase in the serum levels of LH, FSH, as well as testosterone levels. In fact, 20mgs of Tamoxifen can possibly raise testosterone levels approximately 150%
Female bodybuilders/athletes usually take tamoxifen Citrate in order to reduce the effect of their own endogenous estrogens. This can lower body fat concentrations, especially in stubborn areas like the hips and thighs.
Side effects that can occur are: in females – hot flashes, menstrual irregularities and a variety of complications with the reproductive system; in males – reduced gains.
Tamoxifen Citrate is produced by many reputable pharmaceutical companies such as Geneza Pharmaceuticals (GP Nolva), Sciroxx (Tamodex), Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Tamoximed), Axiolabs (Tamoxiplex), Gen-Shi Laboratories (Tamox), Astra Zeneca (Nolvadex).
Written by: Golden Muscles
© April 2011 www.goldenmuscles.com All rights reserved. Reprint article with link only.