Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Clomiphene Citrate
Pack: 30 tabs (50 mg/tab)
GP Clomiphene by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an oral preparation which contains 50mg of active substance Clomiphene and is known in bodybuilding as Clomid.
This steroid is one of the most often used by athletes. GP Clomiphene is one of those steroid that as usual are prescribed for women to aid in ovulation. For male athletes the usage of Clomid provokes an elevation of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which result in increase of testosterone production. Bodybuilders regularly use it at the end of the cycle to increase the levels endogenous testosterones that are subnormal.
Clomid is essentially a drug that acts as a preventative measure against gynocomastia, as well as a drug that acts to raise endogenous (natural) testosterone levels. Clomid, is perfect for long term treatment of lowered testosterone levels, with some studies showing its safety and efficacy for up to four months. And post-cycle, when steroid users are suffering form lowered testosterone levels, is when clomid is most effective.
Very often GP Clomiphene is used as an anti-estrogen. The result is effect of blocking out some of the effects of estrogen, while also increasing endogenous testosterone production.
100-150mgs a day for 4-6 weeks is recommended dosage of Clomid. Bodybuilders often stack it with substances such as HCG and Proviron to make their PCT plan even more sound and effective.
In case of taking very high dose of Clomid side effect that may appear is optic neuropathy or simply said vision problem.
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Written by: Golden Muscles
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