1 min read

The Arnold Classic 2012 Results – and again Branch Warren champ!

The Arnold Classic 2012 Results – and again Branch Warren champ!


The second biggest bodybuilding competition in the world after the Olympia contest – Arnold Classic 2012 held this weekend in Columbus, OH. For the second year consecutively Branch Warren took main prize, a check in amount of $130,000 that was presented by Gerard Dente of MHP, a trophy presented by Tim Bentley of GNC, and a Tony Nowak Original jacket and congratulations from Arnold Schwarzenegger. Branch was also awarded as the Most Muscular Man Trophy and takes the $10,000 check for the Most Entertaining Posing.

As many judge noticed his size was fantastic that is why just few competitors can compete with him. These are Dennis Wolf – he placed second receiving $75,000 check presented by Rich Gaspari of Gaspari Nutrition and an Arnold Classic medallion presented by Jay Jacobson of Optimum Nutrition and Evan Centopani – he was third awarded  with $50,000 presented by Eric Schwartz of Animal Universal Nutrition and a medallion by Dean Donlon of Bodybuilding.com.

The next three places were taken respectively: Ben Pakulski (Canada) – $30,000, Dexter Jackson (USA) – $15,000, Lionel Beyeke (France) – $10,000.

Dennis Wolf – 2nd

Evan Centopani – 3rd

Ben Pakulski – 4th

Dexter Jackson – 5th

Lionel Beyeke – 6th

Tags: Arnold Classic 2012, Branch Warren, Branch Warren 2012, Branch Warren Wins Arnold Classic 2012

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on Sunday, March 4th, 2012 at 9:30 pm and is filed under NEWS.
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