The forgotten six-pack

> “To help you graduate from beginner to advanced-level bodybuilder, consider the six supplements discussed in this article. Consider these essential nutrients that should be part of the ideal nutrition plan”. Iron…


Fat-Burning Holiday Help

> Fight tempting treats with a combination of whey and glucomannan The holidays, along with muscle-blurring foods, are fast approaching. Instead of saying “good-bye” to your six-pack however, try combining whey and…


Use Supplements To Ease Your Tendon Irritation.

> Emphasize eccentric contractions rather that concentric in the areas where you’re feeling tendon stress. An example would be lowering the bar slowly (6–10 counts) in the biceps curl and then having…


Meet The New “Meat”

> Cultivated “meat” used to be science fiction, but is now a reality During the course of your day, you may go through enough animal protein to keep a small farm in…


Protein Diet

> Proteins are important for the amino acids they contain. Amino acids were at one time considered the building blocks of health. There are about 20 diverse amino acids, the presence of…


Creatine for Women

> Women bodybuilding and women sports have hit the limelight in the World sporting arena, as more and more competitive and talented sports women continue to enthrall views through their performance. As…


Bodybuilding with Raw Power!

> My chiropractor swears by eating raw food. He says it keeps him happy and healthy.  He does look healthy and seems happy. I personally like to eat cooked food every now…


10 Reasons to Quit Soda for Good

> I gave up soda at the start of my first pregnancy seven years ago, a habit that — unlike sweets — was easy to kick. Aside from the occasional urge for…


Big and Lean Muscle Machine

> Nine sure bets for packing in mass while staying lean 1 LOAD UP ON LOW-FAT CARBS We all know we need to increase protein and carb intake for muscle growth and…


An Apple A Day Keeps Muscle Loss Away

> If you’re a serious bodybuilder who wants to gain and maintain size, you should consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. While we often push protein because it’s the most critical…

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