Low Carb Diet

> The idea of low carb diet lies in the fact that you reduce the amount of consumed calories not at the expense of fats but at the expense of carbohydrates. When…


Energy & Calories

> Your energy needs and nutrition calories Food energy So, any food we eat consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are used mostly for construction of cells and tissues; fats and…


The rebound effect

> If you’ve ever dieted for a bodybuilding contest—or for an extended period just to reduce bodyfat—then you know what you want to do right after that: nothing but eat all the…


Your Nutrition Plan

> What should we eat? So, we turn to practical application of our knowledge. First we should change our portions: we need to increase protein intake, minimize fat consumption and learn to…


Protein complexes

> Proteins appear to be basic material for cell construction. The name ‘proteins’ (from Greek Protos – main, the most important) reflect the initial idea of this substance class very precisely. Proteins…


Top 10 Thermogenic Supplements

> Sliced. Ripped. Shredded. No matter what you call it, you know it when you see it. Achieving such conditioning, however, takes not only a ton of work, but also a ton…


Eats of Strenght

> We’ve all heard the saying you are what you eat. Assuming the axiom is true, it stands to reason that if you want to get big and strong, you have to…


Critical Condition – 5 steps

> It’s Saturday, September 30, and inside Orleans Arena, things are heating up faster than a Terrell Owens-Donovan McNabb reunion, as a lineup of the world’s best bodybuilding talent waits to take…


Big and Healthy

> Drink Plenty of water. If you’re underhydrated, you are not providing your body with an ideal environment for muscular growth and, in fact, your muscles will appear flatter and smaller, and…


The forgotten six-pack

> “To help you graduate from beginner to advanced-level bodybuilder, consider the six supplements discussed in this article. Consider these essential nutrients that should be part of the ideal nutrition plan”. Iron…
