Here are some very important tips on how to avoid injuries. Adhere to them and you should be able to train for a long time without suffering anything more that perhaps occasional minor injuries.
- Ensure you use immaculate exercise technique, never cheat, take shortcuts or use loose form.
- Ensure you stick to a smooth and controlled rep speed.
- Even if you feel your body can tolerate singles and very low-rep work, avoid using such high-force training for long periods, and use maximum-effort singles only very cautiously. If your body is not accustomed to singles and very low reps, stick to medium and high reps and use a rep counter for a given exercise that suits your body.
- It is true that no exercise is good for you if it hurts you. Therefore only use exercises which are appropriate for you, and where any modifications are required that you make them safe for you.
- Stay well clear of any risky movements, e.g. behind-neck movements.
- Ensure that you use only exercise poundages that are correct for you, and only use a weight which lets you just about squeeze out your target reps in good form.
- Avoid any excessive range of motion.
- Show consideration for your physical limitations.
- Personalize your training – you are the only one who knows what works best for you, who knows your weaknesses, strengths, and limitations. What works well for someone else, including a training partner, does not necessarily work for you, and could in effect ruin you.
- Avoid “rushes of blood” that often lead to reckless training.
- Always be 100% focused on your training, and be attentive whilst training.
- Ensure you do not over train, e.g. if you squat hard twice a week, you may get sore knees, but squat once a week and you may feel no soreness. It is well known that excessive training frequently causes injuries.
- Always ensure you warm up properly and keep yourself supple.
- If you use spotters, make sure they are alert and competent.
- Ensure equipment is robust and secure.
- Perform inversion therapy on a regular basis.
- Stay away from medium and high impact aerobic work.
- In case of injury, and to avoid it, use a skilled, and preferably sports minded, chiropractor to sound out whether or not a specific injury needs some related adjustment to hasten its recovery, and it is advisable to have periodic checkups with a chiropractor.
- Watch your diet and eat healthily.
- Do not cut corners when it comes to your rest and sleep schedule.
- Avoid extreme muscular soreness by gradually introducing changes to your exercises and training formats.
source: bodybuilding-blog.com
Tags: Training Injuries
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on Saturday, April 24th, 2010 at 10:16 pm and is filed under TRAINING.
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