How to compose an effective training split?

Most bodybuilding magazines can confuse inexperienced young athletes who are trying to make their training program. For example, in a magazine you find an article about the program to build the huge…


Which is better – Leg press or Squats?

Each of us engaged in sports with weight performs exercises that different experts consider useless or traumatic. A list of such exercises is big and continues to grow. Flat Bench overhead, bench…


Stay on Track with Erin Stern

> By choosing track instead of treadmill, the stretch and training can be considered by itself workout if it done correctly!   Athletes must warm up: to increase body temperature, increase muscle elasticity,…


Mass Construction

> Youll often hear bodybuilding compared to building a house. To craft your physique, first you need to focus on the foundation, increasing your strength by concentrating on compound core lifts, such…



> Dorian Yates shares the high-intensity secrets for back building In our March 2008 issue we ranked Dorian Yates’ back as the second best of all-time behind Ronnie Coleman’s, but we hedged…


Not a Runner? 6 Reasons You Should Be

> Kids run all the time but once we get to adulthood we can be divided into two groups: those that run and those that don’t. If you’re not in the ‘those…


Vaughan Ettienne’s unique shoulder training

> New Team Universe champ Vaughan Ettienne’s unique shoulder training After New York City policeman Vaughan Ettienne placed fifth in the light-heavy class of last year’s NPC Nationals, we named him one…


Cumulative Fatigue Training

> Here are some guidelines on how to make cumulative fatigue training work for you. Experiment first with just one single-joint exercise, e.g. the curl, or calf raise.  Take an accurate measurement…

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