Jay Cutler hits Legs February 1, 2011

> https://youtube.com/watch?v=UA26CbxRWPo%3Frel%3D0 Jay hitting the gym after the LA Fit Expo & he brought his friend, Larry Smith. You may seen Larry from the pilot called Fatass with Jay Cutler. It’s been…


Dorian Yates Workout Routines

“Dorian Yates ushered in the era of the mass monsters in the ’90s.” – various journalists I never set out to redefine the standards for muscle mass and density over the course…


Jay Cutler Workout Routine

Massive Quads with Jay Cutler When the Night of Champions winner Jay “Big Beef” Cutler hits the leg room, it’s lights out. His approach is basic brutal big weight. “You have to…


Ahmad Ahmad’s Shoulder Routine

With his second at this year’s Phoenix Pro 202, Swedish resident Ahmad Ahmad established himself as one of the world’s premiere 202 competitors. Ahmad’s shoulders are a strong point, so we got…


Leg-Training With Unilateral Workout Strategy

If you’ve been making less than stellar increases with your heavy weights lately, consider revamping your power training to include unilateral movements. “Unilateral training for your lower body is an excellent way…


The key to power bodybuilding

The only bodybuilder worthy of his profession is a power bodybuilder. He couldn’t care less about what he sees in a mirror. Rather, he feels the call to get into the gym…


Workout for Ectomorphs

The ectomorph is the lucky body type that doesn’t carry much body fat, but are unlucky in that their body burns a lot of calories per day normally. In order to increase…


Lee Haney Workout Routine

The workout programs design on this page are those personally used by myself and other champions over the years. If you follow them I can assure you of great results. However, to…

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