Development of strong and powerful legs

Unfortunately, nowadays most men have long forgotten about their childhood dreams, and prefer to spend their whole lives working in cramped and stuffy offices. Bodybuilding is necessary for them! The potential for the…


Make Your Shoulders Attractive

Quick guide for beginners When did you last time hear anyone saying: “Look at this guy deltoid muscle”? Let’s be honest, the shoulders have never been viewed as one of the “spectacular” muscle…


The importance of stretching exercise.

Friends, I would never start writing this article, if I was not convinced about its importance. I will talk about stretching, the one which every bodybuilder knows that it is useful and … boring. Being…


Evan Centopani Trains With Dorian Yates

> Tags: Dorian Yates, Evan Centopani, Evan Centopani Trains This entry was postedon Monday, May 23rd, 2011 at 8:56 am and is filed under BODYBUILDING VIDEOS, TRAINING.You can follow any responses to…


Branch Warren Calves Routine

n 2006, Branch Warren made his Arnold Classic debut with a stunning runnerup finish behind Dexter Jackson. He stumbled to seventh the next year, the rare occasion when he wasn’t on-point, but…


Arnold Schwarzenegger Arm Routine

Contents 1 Using Arnold’s routine 2 See The Biceps, Be The Biceps 3 Eye on the prize. 4 A Shocking Development 5 Off-season Routine 6 Exercise 1: Cheating barbell curl 7 Exercise…


Jay Cutler Trains his Back February 12, 2011

> Tags: JAY CUTLER, Jay Cutler Trains, Jay Cutler Trains his Back, Jay Cutler’s Back, MR. Olympia This entry was postedon Monday, February 14th, 2011 at 10:09 pm and is filed under…


Training Advices From Evan Centopani

Please be so kind as to settle this quandary for me. Some bodybuilders say that if you want to be big, you have to lift big. Others say that the weight is secondary to…


Training Routine For Everyone

Training routines come and go. You switch from a six-day to a four-day and back, all in search for the perfect one. Push/pull? Days on/off? Cadio before or after weights? One can…

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