Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Anastrozole
Pack: 1 x 20 tabs (1 mg/tab)
Average Dose: .25mg – 1mg per day
Half Life: 5 – 7 days
Water Retention: None
Aromatization: No
DHT Conversion: No
GP Anastrozole by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an anti-estrogen available in oral form which contains 1mg of the substance Anastrozole per tablet.
Arimidex as it is also called is an aromatase inhibitor which works by blocking the aromatase enzyme in the body, thus limiting the amount of estrogen buildup that takes place.
In medicine it´s used to halt the progression of Breast Cancer in women. In bodybuilding it is used as an ancillary compound to be added to a cycle of anabolic steroids. The advantage of using this substance is the increasing of testosterone levels and reduction of estrogen.
Elevation in testosterone provided by Arimidex is so large that it can be used as a testosterone replacement therapy for hypogonadal men. But it is suggests to be used in a post-cycle-therapy to regain natural testosterone levels and full functioning of the HPTA.
For many times Arimidex has been tested and it was proved that it reduce estrogen in the body by roughly 50%. This is a good balance for bodybuilders , because some estrogen is needed in order for the full anabolic benefits of the steroids being taken to be achieved.
Arimidex is always recommended to be used for relatively long time, upon discontinuance of steroid use, that one continue to run GP Anastrozole throughout the duration of their PCT regim for about 4-6 weeks. Good results are achived with a dosage of .5 mg a day as they are with a dosage of 1 mg a day, meaning that in most cases, a half tablet a day will be sufficient for estrogen control throughout cycle. Basic GP Anastrozole is used by bodybuilders from the firs day of their cycles.
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Written by: Golden Muscles
© May 2010 www.goldenmuscles.com All rights reserved. Reprint article with link only.