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Nandrolone Decanoate

Nandrolone Decanoate represent drug with high anabolic effects with moderate androgenic proprieties. This supplement is considered to be very effective drug with many benefits to muscle building and few side effects.
Nandrolone Decanoate is one of the few drug in that the enzyme which converts testosterone to the more-potent DHT actually converts nandrolone and block cortisone receptors allowing less cortisone to arrive at their destinations within the muscle and connective tissue.
Nandrolone has a low rate of aromatization. This mean that results obtained after taking this drug are quality muscle mass and strength. It is also preferred by many bodybuilders/athletes because it promotes protein synthesis and simultaneously leads to water retention which is good for developing muscle tissue too.
Nandrolone is a 19-nor compound. In bonded form it is part of protein. Was noticed that this supplement have a very positive effect on nitrogen balance, bone mineral and collagen synthesis that is a very good stimulator of appetite. For this reason in most cases nandrolone decanoate is used in bulking cycles.
By taking Nandrolone Decanoate bodybuilders/athletes should always remember that it has much less muscle building results per-mg than testosterone, and can have negative side effect of temporary impotence. For this reason it should be stacked with Testosterone in order to avoid this unpleasant effect.
A good combination that is often chosen by bodybuilders/athletes is Nandrolone with Sustanon.
An effective dose is 200 – 600 mg/week and can be taken for long period of cycle for about 16 weeks.
Possible side-effects are acne, nasal bleeding, excessive bleeding from cuts and increase of production of the sebaceous glands. Water retention, gynecomastia at low dose can be avoided.
Nandrolone Decanoate is produced by many reputable pharmaceutical companies such as Geneza Pharmaceuticals (GP Deca 250), Sciroxx (Nandrodex 300), Axiolabs (Decaplex 300),Dragon Pharma (Deca 250), Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Nandrolona D), Generics Pharma(Deca Durabolin), Gen-Shi Laboratories (Deca), British Dragon (Decabol).

Written by: Golden Muscles
© April
 2011 www.goldenmuscles.com All rights reserved. Reprint article with link only.

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