Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Substance: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Pack: 100 tabs (100 mg/tab)
Pharmaceutical Name: 4-dehydromethyltestosterone
Chemical Name: 4-chloro-17a-methyl-17bhydroxyandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (oral)
Average dose: (Men) 40-60mgs/day (Women) 10mgs/day
Acne: No
Water Retention: No
HIgh Blood Pressure: No
Liver Toxic: No
Decreases HPTA Function: Mild
Aromatization: Not likely
Active Life: 16 hours
Turinadex by Sciroxx Technologies is an anabolic steroid which contains substance 4-chlorode-hydromethyltestosterone. Turinabol as it is also called or T-bol is commercialized in pack of 50 tabs. For the beginning it was developed in the 1960 by the East German experts who were looking for steroid that will not be detected on drug testing on the Olympics sport. Some bodybuilders says that this steroid is king similar with Dianabol or Anavar.
T-bol is a mild anabolic steroid. Using this steroid athlete will not achieve fast and big muscle growth, but the muscles quality will be well defined and strong.
Taking into account its 4-chloro alteration, Turinabol cannot interact with the aromatized enzyme, so side effects will be mild. It is 17-alpha alkylated this things makes it hepatotoxice because it can’t be easily broken down in the liver.
Turinadex can be use in both bulking and cutting cycles. Bodybuldres who have tried it in bulking cycle compare it with Dianabol, but with one positive difference, T-bol produce less water retention.
Effective dose for female athletes is not more than 20 mg/day.
Side effects that can occur are mild gynaecomastia, acne, indigestion, gas and diminished production of testosterone.
You can BUY this product at discount prices from DaddyRoids.Net because they proved good themselves on market and have good reputation
Written by: Golden Muscles
© May 2010 www.goldenmuscles.com All rights reserved. Reprint article with link only.