Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Substance: Methenolone Enanthate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
Aromatization: None
Water Retention: Low
DHT Conversion: None
Half Life: 10 – 14 days
Primodex 100 by Sciroxx Technologies is an injectable steroid which contain an active substance Methenolone Enanthate and is commercialized 10ml vials.
Primobolan Depot as it also called is often used by people who are very sensible to estrogenic side effects, because it has low estrogenic proprieties. It also do not produce aromatization, that mean that it is not necessaryto take an estrogen blocker. This steroid is considering long acting. Primobolan dose not overly expelHPTA axis, although how suppressive is debatable. That is why; many bodybuilders use it in between steroid cycles during their off-time to keep their gains and strength.
Primodex 100 is popular between bodybuilders and are always used in cutting cycles almost by those who don’t want to gain extra fat.
For better result and more defined muscles athletes combine it with Winstrol tabs, Anavar or Testosterone.
Such proprieties as mild nature and a low rate of androgenic effects make Primobolan a very good choice for female bodybuilders. Recommended dose is 50-100 mg/week. Male athletes always take 300-800 mg/week.
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Written by: Golden Muscles
© May 2010 www.goldenmuscles.com All rights reserved. Reprint article with link only