Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Substance: Nandrolone Decanoate
Pack: 10 ml vial (300 mg/ml)
Anabolic effect: massive gains, muscle growth, lubricating the joints
Drawbacks: water retention, lowers male potency
Half Life: Two Weeks
Aromatization: Low
DHT Conversion: No
Average Dose: 300-800 mg/week(M) 50-100 mg/week(F)
Nandrodex 300 by Sciroxx Tecnologies is a injectable anabolic steroid that contains substance Nandrobone Decanoate in a quantity of 300 mg/ml. It is usually comes in 10ml vial.
As we said Nandrodex 300 is an anabolic steroid with heighten anabolic properties and low androgenic effect. It has been produced especially for bodybuilders and strength athletes who aspire to rich fast and well defined muscle growth. It is also used in strength sports for treating joint pain. Because of its proprieties, athletes usually obtain more pronounced muscles.
Use of Nandrolone increases the rate of muscle glycogen repletion after exercise. This is the results of increasing glucose output by the liver and higher plasma insulin concentration. At the same time Nandrodex 300 improve the oxygen-carrying ability of blood by stimulate erythropoietin production. Nandrolone have the proprieties to improve collagen synthesis and increases bone minerals content and calcium balance.
Recommended dose for men are 400-600mg per week, dose over 400 mg/week because more water retention. For female athletes is good to take 100mgs/week. For men it is good to stack Nandrolone with testosterone to have more appreciable weight gains, and avoid sexual dysfunction.
One negative thing about Nandrodex 300 is that is detectable for to a year and a half after administration, so drug tested athletes should avoid it.
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Written by: Golden Muscles
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