Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Substance: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100mg/ml)
Anabolic effect: massive gains, muscle growth, lubricating the joints
Drawbacks: water retention, lowers male potency
Half Life: Two Weeks
Aromatization: Low
DHT Conversion: No
Average Dose: 300-800 mg/week(M) 50-100 mg/week(F)
Nandrodex 100 by Sciroxx Tecnologies is a anabolic steroid injection which contains 100mg per ML of the hormone Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. This drug is also known as Durabolin and is commercialized in 10 ml vial.
As we said earlier Durabolin is high anabolic steroid that is characterized with low androgenic effects. This steroid is one of the most used by athletes.
Durabolin can be used in both bulking and cutting cycles by bodybuilders. It is recomanded for bodybuilders to combine Nandrodex 100 with different kind of Testosterone and Winstrol in their bulking cycles.
Side effects that can appear by using Durabolin are following: a high rate of progesterone deposits, decrease of libido. To avoid them it is good combine with Testosterone or Mesterolone.
Recommended dose for male bodybuilders is 400 – 600 mg/week during 8 – 12 weeks. Female athletes also can use Durabolin in dose of 50 – 100 mg/week.
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Written by: Golden Muscles
© May 2010 www.goldenmuscles.com All rights reserved. Reprint article with link only