> Manufacturer: Aburaihan Pharmaceutical Co.Type: InjectableSubstance: Nandrolone PhenylpropionateCategory: Anabolic SteroidsPack: 10 ampoules of 1ml You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and…


Nandrodex 300

> Manufacturer: SciroxxSubstance: Nandrolone DecanoatePack: 10 ml vial (300 mg/ml) Anabolic effect: massive gains, muscle growth, lubricating the jointsDrawbacks: water retention, lowers male potencyHalf Life: Two WeeksAromatization: LowDHT Conversion: No Average Dose:…


Tequitren 650

> Manufacturer: Hulk LabsType: InjectableSubstance: Testosterone Enanthate, Boldenone Undecylenate, Trenbolone EnanthateCategory: Anabolic Steroids You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and have…


Testoxyl Suspension

> Manufacturer: Kalpa PharmaceuticalsType: InjectableSubstance: Testosterone SuspensionCategory: Anabolic SteroidsPack: 10 ml You can BUY this product at discount prices  from because  they proved good themselves on market and have good reputation.…


Boldaxyl 300

> Manufacturer: Kalpa PharmaceuticalsType: InjectableSubstance: Boldenone UndecylenateCategory: Anabolic SteroidsPack: 10 ml You can BUY this product at discount prices  from because  they proved good themselves on market and have good reputation.…


GP Mast 200 (Masteron)

> Manufacturer: Geneza PharmaceuticalsSubstance: Drostanolone Enanthate and PropionatePack: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml) GP Mast 200 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an injectable steroid which combines 150mg of Drostanolone Enanathate with 50mg of…


Testaplex P 100

> Manufacturer: AxiolabsSubstance: Testosterone PropionatePack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml) Average Dose: 50-200 mg/EOD [for males] and 25-50 every 5 to 7 days [for females]Half Life: 48 – 72 hoursWater Retention: S…


Dragon Pharma

> Injectable Steroids Cut Mix 150 Deca 300 Cypionat 250 Enantat 250 EQ 300 Masteron 100 Masteron 200 NPP 150 Parabolan 100 Primobolan 100 Propionat 100 Suspension 100 Sustanon 350 Trenbolone 100…


Deca 300

> Manufacturer: Dragon PharmaType: InjectableSubstance: Nandrolone Decanoate Category: Anabolic SteroidsPack: 10 ml You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and have good…

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