
> Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Substance: Methenolone Acetate Category: Anabolic Steroids Pack: 50tabs You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and…



> Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Substance: Clenbuterol Category: Weight Loss Pack: 100tabs You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and have…


Strombafort 50

> Manufacturer: Balkan PharmaceuticalsSubstance: StanozololPack: 60 tabs (10 mg/tab) Molecular Weight: 344.5392Molecular Formula: C22H36N2OMelting Point:N/ARelease Date:1962Effective Dose(men): 5-10mgs/dayEffective Dose (women): 2.5-5mgs/dayActive Life:8hoursAndrogenic/Anabolic Ratio:30:320 Strombafort 50 produced by Balkan Pharmaceuticals represent an oral…


Primodex 100 (Primobolan)

> Manufacturer: SciroxxSubstance: Methenolone EnanthatePack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml) Aromatization: NoneWater Retention: LowDHT Conversion: NoneHalf Life: 10 – 14 days Primodex 100 by Sciroxx Technologies is an injectable steroid which contain…


Decaplex 275

> Substance: Nandrolone DecanoateManufactured by: AxiolabsPack: 10ml vial contains 275mg/ml Average Dose: 300-800 mg/week(M) 50-100 mg/week(F)Half Life: Two WeeksWater Retention: Yes, someAromatization: LowDHT Conversion: No Decaplex 275 by Axiolabs represents intramuscular injection…


Stanoplex 10

> Manufacturer: AxiolabsSubstance: StanozololPack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab) Active Life: around 48hoursDrug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection or oral)Average Dose: Men 50-100 mg/day…..Women 2.5-10mgs/dayAcne: RareWater Retention: RareHigh Blood Pressure: RareLiver Toxic: Yes,…


Stanoplex 50

> Manufacturer: AxiolabsSubstance: StanozololPack: 20 tabs (50 mg/tab) Active Life: around 8hoursDrug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection or oral)Average Dose: Men 50-100 mg/day…..Women 2.5-10mgs/dayAcne: RareWater Retention: RareHigh Blood Pressure: RareLiver Toxic: Yes,…


GP Stan 50 (Winstrol injectable)

> Manufacturer : Geneza PharmaceuticalsSubstance : StanozololPack : 10 ml vial ( 50 mg/ml) Molecular Formula: C22H36N2OEffective Dose(men): 50-100mgs/dayEffective Dose (women): 2.5-10mgs/dayMolecular Weight: 344.5392Melting Point: N/ARelease Date: 1962Detection Time: 3 weeks (oral)…


GP Stan 10 (Winstrol tabs)

> Manufacturer: Geneza PharmaceuticalsSubstance: StanozololPack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab) Molecular Weight: 344.5392Molecular Formula: C22H36N2OMelting Point:N/ARelease Date:1962Effective Dose(men): 50-100mgs/dayEffective Dose (women): 2.5-10mgs/dayActive Life:8hoursDetection Time:3 weeks (oral) to 9 weeks (injectable)Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio:30:320 Winstrol is…


GP Stan 50 – Winstrol tabs

> Manufacturer: Geneza PharmaceuticalsSubstance: StanozololPack: 20 tabs (50 mg/tab) Active Life: around 48 hoursDrug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection or oral)Average Dose: Men:  50-100 mg/day…..Women: 2.5-10mgs/day – 25-50 mg/weekDetection Time:3 weeks (oral)…

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