
> Manufacturer: SciroxxSubstance: OxandrolonePack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab) Active Life: 8-12 hoursEffective dose: (Men)20-100mgs/day (or .125mg/kg body weightt)(Women) 2.5-20mgs.dayWater Retention: No.Liver Toxic: LowAromatization: YesMolecular Weight: 306.4442Chemical Formula: C19H30O3Detection Time: 3 weeks Oxanodex…



> Manufacturer: SciroxxSubstance: ChlorodehydromethyltestosteronePack: 100 tabs (100 mg/tab) Pharmaceutical Name: 4-dehydromethyltestosteroneChemical Name: 4-chloro-17a-methyl-17bhydroxyandrosta-1,4-dien-3-oneDrug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (oral)Average dose: (Men) 40-60mgs/day (Women) 10mgs/dayAcne: NoWater Retention: NoHIgh Blood Pressure: NoLiver Toxic: NoDecreases HPTA…


Test Enanthate 300

> Manufacturer: Hulk LabsType: InjectableSubstance: Testosterone EnanthateCategory: Anabolic Steroids You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and have good reputation.…


Deca 300

> Manufacturer: Hulk LabsType: InjectableSubstance: Nandrolone DecanoateCategory: Anabolic Steroids You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and have good reputation.…


Stanoxyl 50

> Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Substance: Stanozolol Category: Anabolic Steroids Pack: 20tabs You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market and have…



> Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Substance: Clomiphene Citrate Category: PCT & Anti-Estrogens Pack: 30tabs You can BUY this product at discount prices  from DaddyRoids.Com because  they proved good themselves on market…
