Are Anabolic Steroids Over Demonized ?

> Will Brink is an excellent writer. On his site “Brinkzone” I recently read his great comments on some typical media bullshit which was trying to connect steroids with just about everything…


Androgenic-anabolic Steroids Effects In Athletes.

> Androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. They can exert strong effects on the human body that may be beneficial for athletic performance. A review of the…


Creatine Monohydrate

> Creatine monohydrate (methylguanidine-acetic acid): is a substance produced by our organism with the aim of energy potential replenishment. It’s synthesized from arginine and glycine in the liver, pancreatic gland and kidneys.…


Fat Burners

> Fat burners are such preparations that contain major components assisting the process of fat loss such as L-carnitine, ephedrine, caffeine and guarana extract. All fat burners can be divided into 2…


Glutamine Powder

> Glutamine keeps the first place among amino acids that our muscles and blood contain: it amounts half of all amino acids. Our organism requires so much glutamine because this amino acid…


Low Carb Diet

> The idea of low carb diet lies in the fact that you reduce the amount of consumed calories not at the expense of fats but at the expense of carbohydrates. When…


Metabolic Rate

> Significance of metabolic rate. METABOLISM is recognised as an aggregate of chemical processes providing vital functions of our organism. Chemical reactions taking place in our body are carried out in two…



> It’s not that easy to understand what our organism cells (and especially muscle ones) require for normal metabolism of certain bio-chemical reactions that determine their growth and safety. One of important…



> Amidst brambly weeds in the sweltering Texas heat is a kennel, and in the lead pen–reinforced with steel bars so the occupant can’t tear through the chain-link door and kill one…


Boost Your Metabolic Rate

> Your metabolic rate — the speed at which you burn calories — has a major effect on whether you make great gains or just pretty good gains without adding much bodyfat.…
